

Portrait of Felicia Heilgendorff, a young woman with open blond hair. She's wearing glasses, a black hoodie and black jeans. She's lounging on a barstool in front of a brown background.

The hearts of my characters are so big, but they shatter so easily

Sketch of an arrow pointing downwards

Scroll down to see a list of all my available books

Image shows the cover design of Tell Me The Truth (blue underwater bubbles with title text) on an iPad (left) and paperback (right).

Psychological thriller

Tell Me The Truth

Cover design of Barefoot (grey background with black footprints and the title, author and words "a flashfiction collection") on an ereader device.


Flashfiction collection

Cover design of Mute Conversations (light brown background with smoke on the upper half and the title, author name and words "a poetry collection") on an ereader device.

Poetry collection

Mute Conversations