Forgotten Batteries

That was all she was going to leave me, I thought exasperated, a box full of empty batteries? Looking around the apartment, it felt just as empty there now. All her stuff gone, it was just my tidy little corner of the room that was left. We had had a row the night before. She wanted to move abroad to Puerto Rico or somewhere, leaving me, her twin sister, all alone in London. We had never had a real fight before, nor had she mentioned anything about wanting to separate from me. We needed each other.

There was a knock on the door. “Please, I forgot my batteries,” a muffled voice said, as though it had been crying just before. I knew without asking that she didn’t really mean her batteries, and when I opened the door, we fell into each other’s arms.

© 2016

Friday Fictioneers, 4 March 2016

Photo prompt provided by Sean Fallon


  1. I don’t know if all twins have a special connection. The ones I know do, such as the girls in your story. I’m glad the one twin came back to work things out with her sister. Family is special and irreplaceable. I know friends with sisters and many are very close, even if they do fight. Great piece!

    1. I don’t know any twins, though I think most do have a special connection. I’m glad she changed her mind too and came back!

  2. A heartwarming ending. Lovely story.

    1. Thank you! I am glad she came back to her twin too.

  3. I loved your last sentence. Nicely told

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  4. I like your story. Thoughtful and a sweet ending. I was hoping she’d come back.

    1. Thank you! Same, I couldn’t really bear just letting her go…

  5. Unexpected ending. Nicely done, Felicia.



    1. Thank you! I enjoyed writing it.

  6. Lovely story. I must have missed it the first time around. I thought I had read them all.

    1. Thank you. No worries, my stories aren’t going anywhere!

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